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Real Estate Investor Content Marketing - Attract. Nurture. Sell.

May 31, 2022

The chances are you are a member of several or even many Facebook groups or similar community pages and forums.

But is the time you are investing paying returns?

Many real estate investors assume the best way to do this is to run their own group- but that is time-consuming and maybe a huge time suck when your goal is to...

May 24, 2022

Beyond the fact that you should always be doing the basics no matter the market, Jen Du Plessis has five strategies for working less and making more money. She went from $50 million to over $100 million following these steps and having fun; she also shares three key steps to making it all work.

Why you've got to check...

May 17, 2022

It’s not often that you have the opportunity to have a world record holder on your podcast. Matt ‘Handshaking’ Holmes spent some time, learning, failing and trying to figure out what was going to work. And he found that handshakes, in person or online combined with relationships play into the success of your local...

May 10, 2022

What's the point of a professional branding photography session when you can take a snapshot yourself using the up-to-date technology in your mobile phone?

You can always argue that your phone camera can take lovely shots. But, as real estate investors and business owners, never underestimate the power of what branding...

May 3, 2022

The challenge with mastering public speaking and communication, in general, is that people don't spend time practicing it. And what adds to the struggle is the element of fear.

However, there will always be that fear. Even with seasoned speakers, that's something that never goes away.

Yet, how do you learn to deal with...